Love Square – Snippet #2

Posted April 24, 2013 by jessicai in Teasers / 2 Comments

In celebration of the official cover reveal tomorrow, here’s a second little snippet from Love Square. Hope you enjoy!! I know I wouldn’t mind seeing an email in my inbox from Jacob!

**Disclaimer: This content is unedited and subject to change**

Three weeks have passed since the night I was kissed by Jacob and there has been no sign of him. I’m not surprised. But I am a little disappointed. Whenever I think those thoughts, I quickly chastise myself and move on.

After my morning coffee and a shower, I head down to my office to start working on my next book. I love the freedom that being an author allows me. But deadlines still need to be met, so I try to work in my office during “normal” work hours as often as possible.

I sit in my plush leather chair and fire up my email. Scanning through spam and fan letters, I see a name that is all too familiar… Jacob Matthews.

All I can do is stare at my inbox. My heart starts pounding and my hands start sweating. Geez, all this over an email and I don’t even know what it says yet. For all I know, he is going to tell me off or call me a tease.

Staring at the unopened email isn’t going to get me anywhere. I channel a calm that I just don’t feel and with a new determination, I double click the message and just about choke on my tongue at what it says. One simple sentence, so much meaning.

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